All Christmas 80’s And 90’s Show Today on The Blastozoic Era, 3 PM CT

The Blastozoic Era goes all Christmas today for 2 hours, from 3 to 5 pm USA/Canadian Central Time.



Book Review: 80’s and 90’s Christian Rock Singer Rick Cua’s Book “What Are You Known For?”

Book Review: What Are You Known For?  (Building Your Legacy One Brick At A Time) by Rick Cua

By Colin “Cruz” Strombeck


Fans of 1980’s Christian rock remember Rick Cua as the man who sang “Wear Your Colors”, which in my opinion, is one of the top 10 Christian rock songs of that decade.  


He certainly wasn’t a one hit wonder.  His band put out 11 albums in the 80’s and 90’s, and one in 2007.


Recently, Rick, who now serves as a pastor, wrote a book called What Are You Known For?  (Building Your Legacy One Brick At A Time).


In it, Cua shares stories about his heritage of faith, his great relationship with his wife and family, and lessons learned as a member of bands over the years.


In the book’s Introduction, Cua grabs the reader with this thought:  “The sum of what we have done on this earth follows us to heaven.”   In Chapter 1, Cua reminds us that if we admire Christ, we should act like he does.


By this point in the process, the light bulb went on above my head:  this is going to function like a devotional book for me.  I am going to read one chapter a day and digest each lesson well, that way.  If you pick up this book, you too, will likely find the same to be true.  And it is a  challenging devotional, at that.


In chapter 2, Cua points out that every time the Lord has a good work for us to do, the devil offers a distraction.  He says we should pray for discernment to see the distraction for what it is, and to boldly declare to the enemy that we will not be dissuaded from doing God’s will.


Early in the book is an amusing story of a man eating an actual glass…that was shocking.  I don’t think anything else in the book will shock you, but I would venture to say there are some things that will surprise you and amaze you.  


There is a chapter in the book that every Christian musician who is “trying to make it” should read.  Cua has been there and done that and his wisdom in this area is invaluable.


In another chapter, he talked about how, as a Christian musician, he struggled with the thought of self promotion and recounts how he worked his way through that. 


Late in the book, Cua asks the reader this question:  what are the learned behaviors in your life that need to be dismantled?


By the end of reading this work, you will feel like you know Rick Cua.   His humble attitude emanates from the pages.  


This book will make you laugh, it might make you cry, and it will make you think, and if you let it, it will bring you closer to God.


You may find, like I did, that it functions as a great devotional.   Whether you look at it that way or not, I believe you will find that it is definitely a book worth reading.

A New Miss Angie Album Is In The Works…Here Is A Preview

Angie Turner Darr, aka “Miss Angie”… put out two albums on Myrrh Records (that we Blast several songs from on The Middle Blastozoic Era) in her teenage years back in the late 1990’s.   And now she is recording another album.   The producer is none other than Gabriel Wilson, lead singer of Rock n Roll Worship Circus.  It’s been a long, arduous process and all they are willing to share so far is this delightful sample:

The Blastozoic Era Stream Address Changes

TheBlast.FM stations recently changed streaming addresses for better connectivity from our main encoding site in Portland.

Streams are now hosted in San Diego and are much smoother, as internet routing changes had made the connection from Portland to the Washington, D.C. metro much less stable.

If  you are listening on a third party media player, app or system on which TheBlast.FM stations don’t seem to be working anymore, and you can load our new streaming addresses manually, those are found here:

Please notify us of any stream aggregators you use that need to be updated with streaming addresses.

Capstone Music Festival 2020 Is Cancelled

Capstone is a Covid-casualty.   Yes, unfortunately, the Capstone Music Festival has been cancelled for 2020 due to Covid-19 shutdowns in Indiana lasting into next month.  The festival would have featured The Early Blastozoic Era (80’s) bands Bloodgood, Deliverance, Fear Not, Whitecross, plus Glenn and Wendy Kaiser of Rez/The Resurrection Band, and The Middle Blastozoic Era bands (90’s) The Blamed and XL & Death Before Dishonor (DBD)

The festival also would have featured a number of bands played on The Blast and The Implosion.  Organizers say they will put together a new festival next year.

HTTPS Streaming Is Here: Stream On Chrome, Brave, Etc Again With HTML5 Players

If you had trouble recently listening to TheBlast.FM radio stations with our HTML5 players labeled 128k, 64k and 32k on our websites, those troubles are gone, as we have upgraded our streams to make them HTTPS-compliant. 

The streaming addresses have also been updated in our Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Blackberry apps so you may need to restart those apps to make sure the new stream addresses are loaded.  The old streaming addresses will go away soon. 

We have a request in to our Windows/XBox/Alexa Skills app developer to change the addresses in those apps.

The Letter Black Is Back Together And Working On Album # 4!

The Letter Black announces tonight that they are back together; they are signing a record deal; shows are getting booked and they are writing and recording album number 4!  This is exciting news for listeners of The Blast and The Blastozoic Era, as The Blast has been playing them since 2007, prior to them signing their first record deal.   A teaser to the next record will come out within a week.  Welcome back to The Letter Black!!!


So, Google has decided to make life difficult for streaming radio and its listeners.  The station won’t play in our HTML5 players on Chrome 80.

Well, guess what?   You CAN listen to TheBlast.FM radio stations via our HTML5 players in these browsers: Brave, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, and probably a host of others.

On on any Windows 10 desktop or laptop computer, download the free TheBlast.FM Windows 10 app.

The Windows 10 app now supports our lyrics, album art and song ratings features!

If you are trying to listen on a phone or tablet, use Duck Duck Go, Firefox or download TheBlast.FM app in lieu of using the HTML5 players.